Itoigawa Shimpaku – Informal Upright style
Age 40 years old
Tree Height 34 cm (medium size)
Imported from Japan
The mother of Dragons has now arrived to our gallerym a 60 years old with twin trunks style with natural created shari along the tree vain bring a unique Bonsai charactor to this tree. A highly apprecation and honor of our gallery
Shimpaku Itoigawa with informal upright style. Large size with natural deadwood. Thin pot provide good tall tree creation.
Tree Height : cm
Age : 40 years old
Itoigawa Shimpaku
Japanese Blackpine 70 years old
Formal upright Style
Tree Height 83 cm
imported from Japan
Japanese Blackpine imported from Japan
Japanese Blackpine imported from Japan
Japanese Blackpine imported from Japan
Japanese Blackpine imported from Japan
Japanese Blackpine imported from Japan
Itoigawa Shimpaku