Tree height 44 cm. width 46cm, est. age 25-30 years old
Tree height cm. width cm, Body size 2.5inch
est. age 40 years old
Tree height: 39 cm. Width: 52 cm. est. age 25-30 years old
Master Class Bonsai , Juniper Procumbens over 70 years old
Tree height cm. width cm, Body size inch
est. age 70years old
Tree height cm. width cm, Body size inch
est. age 60 years old
Tree height cm. width cm, est. age 60 years old
Tree height cm. width cm, Body size inch
est. age 60 years old
Tree height cm. width cm, Body size inch
est. age 60 years old
Tree height 20cm, Best Shohin of the year
Tree height cm. width cm, Body size inch
est. age years old