บอนไซ Itoigawa Shimpaku
Informal Upright Style
Tree height : 97 cm
Width : 65cm, body 10cm
Est age : 60 years old
Tsuyama Hinoki – formal upright style (สึยามะ ฮิโนกิ)
over 90 cm tree with special character of a “Formal upright” style. Hinoki representing a true nature of evergreen specie provide unique appreciation of Bonsai
Tree height cm. width cm, Body size inch
est. age 60 years old
Tree height cm. width cm, Body size inch
est. age 60 years old
Slanting style, 40 yrs old
Tree height: cm.
Width: cm.
Tree height: 64 cm.
Width: 70 cm
Tree height: 72 cm.
Width: 68 cm.