Tree height 44 cm. width 46cm, est. age 25-30 years old
Tree height 57 cm. width 47cm, Body size 2.5inch
est. age 40 years old
Tree height 33 cm. width 30cm, est. age 20 years old
Tree height 58 cm. width 55cm, est. age 50-60 years old
Master Class Bonsai by Kenji Oshima
Master Class Bonsai by Kenji Oshima
Tree height 77 cm. widht 70cm, Body size 3.2inch
est. age 70 years old
Cascaded Japanese Blackpine is one of the rarest style in Thailand. An old Bark measures aging of the old tree.
Total height: 75 cm.
Width: 75 cm. Body size 4 inches
est. age 80 years old
Tree height 50cm. est. age 45 years
total height 66cm, Rock planting style
Itoigawa Shimpaku Yamadori –
Informal upright style
High quality Bonsai
Itoigawa Shimpaku Yamadori –
Tree height cm, width cm
est.age 60 years old