บอนไซ 632: สน Hinoki


Estimated age : 25 years old

Tree height 40 cm  (excluding pot)

Width 55 cm.

Code 035 : Japanese Apple

Details Age : Height :
Fruit Bonsai 12 years old 33cm

Kaneshin Watering nozzle – long 58 cm


Watering Nozzle made of brass with valve
Size 375mm No.127C
Size 580mm No.127D”

Bonsai Scissors – Stainless steel – (ไม่ขึ้นสนิม) “ length 180mm”


Bonsai scissors -stainless steel- total length 180mm No.831

It is the shape of a traditional bonsai scissors.

It is used for various situations such as twig cutting, bud picking, and root cutting.

It is made of stainless steel, so it will not rust easily.

It is difficult to use with small bonsai, so it is suitable for bonsai of medium size or higher.
It is also used for root cutting. If you use it for root cutting, please use it after removing the pebbles. It will chip if a pebble is caught.

Kaneshin Watering nozzle – short 37.5 cm


Watering Nozzle made of brass with cock
Size 375mm No.127C
Size 580mm No.127D”